Treatment specialization includes:
- Depression and Anxiety
- Trauma and Abuse Issues
- Grief Counseling
- Work and Career issues
- Stress Management
- Relational Issues
- Conflict Resolution
- Sexual Abuse
- Sex Addiction
I work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues by providing services that include therapy for anxiety and depression, therapies that help to resolve past traumatic issues, relational counseling and beyond. Because no two people are alike, no one therapy will have the same benefit for each individual. For some individuals, some talk therapies will be beneficial; for others, EMDR or Lifespan Integration therapy may be successful. Often a combination of therapies work best .
I also work with sexual addiction and the partners of sex addicts. With the easy access to the internet and phone apps, sex addiction has become an epidemic. More and more people are being affected by it and the trauma associated with either being a sex addict, suspecting someone is having problems with sex addiction, or being the partner of a sex addict. If you are, or are the partner of a sex addict, there is help.
Please see the Therapeutic Info and Links for more information on types of therapies provided in addition to talk therapy.