Partners of Sex Addicts – Recognizing Sex Addiction in Someone You Love
Everywhere you look on the internet these days, there are articles and information posted on sex addiction. That’s because it has become a real epidemic in society today. But sometimes it’s hard to identify, which is why it’s important to note behaviors in those we love, or in ourselves that may not feel quite right somehow. Sex addiction often results in withdrawal from family, friends, and life, as the addict becomes more and more preoccupied with sex. It can cause the addict to do dangerous things, often getting them into situations that can result in arrest, injury or even death. It often takes the loss of something precious before the addict will admit to the addiction.
Be aware also that addicts will often deny that something is wrong, often by making their partners feel a little crazy. This is something called “gaslighting”. It comes from the 1944 movie “Gaslight”, starring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer, in which he tries to make her feel crazy so he can have her committed to an asylum so that he can find the jewels he believes she has.
If you suspect that your partner is a sex addict, there is help available for both the addict and you. As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, I have knowledge about sex addiction as well as the training to be able to help with it and the trauma behind it. If you are the partner of an addict, you will need lots of support and guidance through this painful process. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please contact me.